Is my Pepper Spray or Pepper Gel safe to use after it has expired?

Pepper Sprays and Pepper Gels are not safe to use after they expire. They also will not be as effective after the expiry date passes. This is because, the active ingredient in pepper spray, oleoresin capsicum (OC), can degrade over time. Additionally, aerosol cans will become less pressurized over time. 

he shelf life for Guard Dog Security Pepper Spray is 4 years and the expiration date is usually found on the bottom of the can. 

If your Pepper Spray or Pepper Gel has expired, you should dispose of the can. Make sure to follow any local regulations related to throwing out Pepper Spray. If there's any liquid left inside, it can be dangerous to throw away in your regular garbage. The best option is to search for your local household hazardous waste rules online.

We recommend replacing your pepper spray or pepper gel earlier than the expiry date. By purchasing a new can every 1-2 years, you'll guarantee that you'll always be prepared with a fresh can of Pepper Spray or Gel! And your extra can will make a great backup option. 

You can check out our available Guard Dog Security Pepper Sprays and Pepper Gels when you're ready to restock.