What states are stun guns illegal?
The following states are illegal to own or posses a stun gun:
Hawaii | Rhode Island | U.S. Virgin Islands.
Stun guns are legal for civilian self-defense in the other 48 states as long as:
Not a minor | Do not have any felony record | Only use it for self defense.
In what states do you need a license to own a stun gun?
Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Wisconsin
Stun Guns and TASERs are not considered firearms, so they are legal to own in:
AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, ND, NJ, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY and Puerto Rico
State | Legal for Consumer Use/Possession | Permit Required? |
Alabama | Legal | No |
Alaska | Legal | No |
Arizona | Legal | No |
Arkansas | Legal | No |
California | Legal | No |
Colorado | Legal | No |
Conneticut | Legal | No |
Delaware | Legal | No |
District of Columbia | Legal | No |
Florida | Legal | No |
Georgia | Legal | No |
Hawaii | Illegal | N/A |
Idaho | Legal | No |
Illinois | Legal with FOID | YES |
Indiana | Legal (Tasers require handgun license) |
No |
Iowa | Legal | No |
Kansas | Legal | No |
Kentucky | Legal | No |
Louisiana | Legal | No |
Maine | Legal | No |
Maryland | Legal | No |
Massachusetts | Legal | No |
Michigan | Legal with concealed carry permit | YES |
Minnesota | Legal | No |
Mississippi | Legal | No |
Missouri | Legal | No |
State | Legal for Consumer Use/Possession | Permit Required? |
Montana | Legal | No |
Nebraska | Legal | No |
Nevada | Legal | No |
New Hampshire | Legal | No |
New Jersey | Legal | No |
New Mexico | Legal | No |
New York | Legal | No |
North Carolina | Legal (no concealed carry outside of own premises) | No |
North Dakota | Legal | No |
Ohio | Legal | No |
Oklahoma | Legal | No |
Oregon | Legal | No |
Pennsylvania | Legal | No |
Rhode Island | Illegal | N/A |
South Carolina | Legal | No |
South Dakota | Legal | No |
Tennessee | Legal | No |
Texas | Legal | No |
Utah | Legal | No |
Vermont | Legal | No |
Virginia | Legal | No |
Washington | Legal | No |
West Virginia | Legal | No |
Wisconsin | Legal with CCW license | YES |
Wyoming | Legal | No |
U.S. Virgin Islands | Illegal | N/A |
Guard Dog warrants the above to be true according to the best available information. Buyers shall be responsible for verifying local, states, and federal laws
Please understand that your local government might have different restrictions especially for carrying a stun gun. For example, some areas might interpret “carrying it in a open manner” different than other areas. We try our best to keep the information updated. If you are in doubt whether it is legal to own or carry any of our products in your area, simply contact your local law enforcement over the phone. They should be able to tell you right away.

In what states is Pepper Spray legal?
Pepper spray is legal, In all 50 states as long as:
Over the age of 18 | Have not been convicted of a felony or an assault
Pepper spray is legal for you to possess in quantities less than 1/2oz. with certain other restrictions in the following states:
State | Legal for Consumer Use/Possession | Permit Required? |
Alabama | Legal | No |
Alaska | Legal with restrictions Less than 5 oz. |
No |
Arizona | Legal | No |
Arkansas | Legal with restrictions Less than 5 oz. |
No |
California | Legal with restrictions Less than 2.5 ounces. |
No |
Colorado | Legal | No |
Conneticut | Legal | No |
Delaware | Legal | No |
District of Columbia | Legal | No |
Florida | Legal with restrictions: Less than 2 ounces. |
No |
Georgia | Legal | No |
Hawaii | Legal with restrictions: Less than 1/2 oz. License required. |
N/A |
Idaho | Legal | No |
Illinois | Legal | YES |
Indiana | Legal | No |
Iowa | Legal | No |
Kansas | Legal | No |
Kentucky | Legal | No |
Louisiana | Legal | No |
Maine | Legal | No |
Maryland | Legal | No |
Massachusetts | Legal with restrictions: Must be non-felon over 18. Legal to carry and use for self defencse. Cannot ship sprays used against humans through the mail to the state. Animal sprays, such as Dog Repellant are legal. |
No |
Michigan | Legal with restrictions: Less than 1.2 oz. Cannot contain more than: 18% oleoresin capsicum (OC) or 1.4% MC. |
Minnesota | Legal | No |
Mississippi | Legal | No |
Missouri | Legal | No |
State | Legal for Consumer Use/Possession | Permit Required? |
Montana | Legal | No |
Nebraska | Legal | No |
Nevada | Legal with restrictions: 2 oz limit on CS tear gas, pepper spray is exempt. |
No |
New Hampshire | Legal | No |
New Jersey | Legal with restrictions: Must be non-felon over 18. Less than 3/4 oz. |
No |
New Mexico | Legal | No |
New York | Legal with restrictions: Must be non-felon over 18. Legal to carry and use for self defense. Cannot ship sprays used agains humans through the mail to the state. Animal sprays, such as Dog Repellant are legal. |
No |
North Carolina | Legal with restrictions: When carrying for protection against people, Less than 5 oz. |
No |
North Dakota | Legal | No |
Ohio | Legal | No |
Oklahoma | Legal | No |
Oregon | Legal | No |
Pennsylvania | Legal | No |
Rhode Island | Illegal | N/A |
South Carolina | Legal | No |
South Dakota | Legal | No |
Tennessee | Legal | No |
Texas | Legal | No |
Utah | Legal | No |
Vermont | Legal | No |
Virginia | Legal | No |
Washington | Legal. 14 and up with parent permission. |
No |
West Virginia | Legal | No |
Wisconsin | Legal with restrictions: Less than 2 oz. Cannot contain more than: 10% OC (oleoresin capsicum) or 1.2% MC. |
Wyoming | Legal | No |
Guard Dog warrants the above to be true according to the best available information. Buyers shall be responsible for verifying local, states, and federal laws
Please understand that your local government might have different restrictions especially for carrying a stun gun. For example, some areas might interpret “carrying it in a open manner” different than other areas. We try our best to keep the information updated. If you are in doubt whether it is legal to own or carry any of our products in your area, simply contact your local law enforcement over the phone. They should be able to tell you right away.