Safety Tips for Women Runners

Safety Tips for Women Runners

4 minute read

Nowadays, people are getting more conscious about their health and are taking up running as a form of exercise. Of course, when it comes to running we want to make sure that apart from the health benefits, we should also take into consideration our safety and protection when running outside. For women runners, this is especially important as they are more vulnerable to being targeted by assailants. This blog will focus on giving the essential safety tips to all women runners out there but definitely, we encourage everyone to read this as this will be helpful to each one of us.

Safety Tips for Women Runners

A few years back, several cases caught national attention. The first case happened last July 18, 2018 when Mollie Tibbetts went for an evening run in Brooklyn, she was murdered and authorities found her body in a farm field. The second case was on September 18, 2018, when Wendy Katrina Martinez went for a jog in the Logan Circle neighborhood of Washington D.C, when an unknown attacker stabbed her multiple times.

Last August 2016, Katrina Vetrano was brutally battered and strangled while she was into her run at Spring Creek Park in New York City, and lastly, in July 2016, Ally Bruegger was shot in the back four times while running in Rose Township, Michigan.

These cases are just some of the reasons why we, women runners should be extra careful and alert when going out for a run. Safety should be our top priority and here are some safety tips for women runners that we can follow:

  • Run with a friend or in a group - There is always safety in numbers so if you can, try to find a running buddy or join a running group. This way, you will be more conscious of your surroundings and have someone to help you in case of an emergency.
  • Avoid running alone in isolated areas - If you must run by yourself, make sure to do so in populated and well-lit areas. Avoid shortcuts and deserted streets.
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times - Pay attention to the people however, women face certain dangers when they go out for a run, especially if they are running alone.
  • Wear bright clothing so you can be easily seen - Reflective gear is also a good idea so that drivers can see you when you're running near traffic.
  • Do not wear a headphone - This will limit your awareness of your surroundings. If you must listen to music, keep the volume low so you can still hear what's going on around you.
  • Trust your instincts - If you feel like something or someone is following you, don't be afraid to change your route or even
  • Consider carrying a self-defense product such as pepper spray or a personal alarm - This can give you an extra layer of protection in case of an attack.

At Guard Dog Security, your safety is always our top priority. We want you to be empowered every day of your life. Thus, we recommend to all women runners out there to have our Instafire Pepper Spray collection. These products are ideal for running and will surely give you that extra peace of mind when out on a run.

The unfortunate reality, though is that there are people out in our communities who may try and take advantage of you when on a run - which means it's important for women like yourself (and all runners) to keep themselves aware at every turn!

So, keep these safety tips in mind and stay alert at all times when running outside. Remember, having the right self-defense products can make all the difference in case of an attack. If you ever feel unsafe, trust your instincts and get to a safe place as quickly as possible.

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