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Pepper Spray Questions Answered!

Pepper Spray Questions Answered!

3 minute read

Pepper spray is a popular option for personal safety because of how effective and easy to use it is. However, many people have questions about how it works and what to expect. In this article, we'll address some common questions to help you understand everything you need to know about this tool. At Guard Dog Security, we’re committed to helping you feel safer, whether you’re walking to school or heading to work.

How far can it protect me if I need it?

When you're carrying a self-defense spray, the distance it covers is crucial. Guard Dog pepper sprays have a range of 16 feet, which is up to 60% farther than other brands. This extended reach allows you to maintain a safe distance from an attacker, giving you a significant advantage in self-defense scenarios.

What if I use my spray? 

One of the best features of Guard Dog spray is our 100% replacement guarantee. If you ever need to use this in a self-defense situation, simply let us know, and we will replace it at no charge. This policy ensures you always have a reliable spray for protection, ready for any situation.

What is the shelf life of pepper spray?

The shelf life is four years. It's crucial to regularly inspect the expiration date on your pepper spray canister. An expired defensive spray may lose its effectiveness, and its range and strength can decrease over time.

How do I carry it?

It's important to have easy access to this defense tool. A lot of individuals opt for a pepper spray holster, which can be attached to a belt, bag, or tucked into a pocket. This enables you to swiftly retrieve it if necessary, without struggling to locate it within your belongings. Keep in mind that quick access can be crucial in an urgent situation.

Is it legal to carry?

This is legal in most places, but there are some restrictions based on location and age. Always check your local laws to ensure you comply with regulations regarding the possession and use of defense spray. In some areas, there may be limits on the size of the canister or restrictions on carrying this safety tool in certain locations, such as schools.

Does it work for everyone?

It is highly effective on most people and can incapacitate an attacker by causing intense pain, difficulty breathing, and temporary blindness. However, some individuals, especially those under the influence of drugs or alcohol, might have a reduced reaction. Even so, it provides you with a valuable window of time to escape and seek help.

How to It Effectively

Using pepper spray for self-defense effectively requires some basic knowledge and practice. Aim for the attacker's face, specifically the eyes, and spray in short bursts. Move away from the attacker immediately after spraying to avoid any counterattacks and to minimize your own exposure to the mist. Practice with an inert spray to get comfortable with the activation mechanism and aiming.


Pepper spray is an invaluable self-defense tool that can provide a critical advantage in dangerous situations. By understanding its range, legal considerations, and proper usage, you can maximize your safety and confidence. At Guard Dog Security, we’re dedicated to helping you stay protected with high-quality, reliable products. Explore our range of self-defense sprays at https://guarddog-security.com/collections/pepper-sprays to find the perfect solutions for your needs. Stay safe and prepared with Guard Dog Security!

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